BMETS we are looking forward to see everyone on Sept 29th. By now you should have seen multiple emails about it. And if you’ve been reading them?? You now know that you don’t have to RSVP for this meeting. That’s right this meeting. All the rest we will need a accurate head count. But not this time. A day may come when the courage of men and women fails and breaks all bonds of fellowship, But it is not this day Sept 29th. This day is sponsored by BMETS for you our members. For You! So I want to see you all there to support our BMETS. For it is you the members and our supportive vendors who make our meeting possible that keep our great group going. And we want to see it continue. If you haven’t gotten an email reach out to us or to your fellow BMETS members for they may have gotten it already. Or reach out to us at the