Hello BMETS, We are ready to start our spring meetings off with some CEU credits towards your certifications. Our meeting sponsor will be Calyx Metrology Laboratory, https://calyxmet.com . John Walls will be presenting his certified AAMI class “Infusing Neuroscience into HTM Service and Leadership Development” . Everyone attending the presentation will receive a certificate of completion for submission of CEU credit towards renewal of your certifications.
As a group we have been waiting and wanting to get a presentation where we can get our CEU credits. And now that opportunity is here for us!!! Don’t miss out on this. Let’s take advantage and hope for more as we continue our journey of improving the HTM field through knowledge.
Watch your emails for the RSVP and as always if you do not get yours please let us know.
Thanks your BMETS Officers Kayla, Jon, Walter and Mike.